A Blog for the leaders at Calvary McAllen

This blog is a place for Lead Pastor Julio to share updates on leadership ideas and developments at Calvary. I encourage feedback and comments as we together seek God's leadership for our church and for His mission.

Friday, October 31, 2014

Proposed 2015 Budget for CBC

     The CBC stewardship committee has finalized the 2015 budget proposal.  This process has been an arduous and sometimes painful one.  This budget reflects an 18% overall reduction.  (The 2014 budget is $2.14 million.  The proposed 2015 budget is $1.75 million).  The reductions include a 25% reduction in direct ministries, a 14% reduction in personnel, a 15% reduction in ministry support and a 28% reduction in missions.  While the biggest percentage reduction was in missions (which includes a reduction of percentage points from 20%
to 17.5% of the total budget), the biggest dollar amount reduction was in personnel.  Missions was reduced by $121,454 and personnel was reduced by $151,764.  Needless to say none of the reductions were pleasant!

     We realize that we have a discipleship/worship ministry to carry on for our congregation of approximately 1,300 which is the “engine” of our church.  Missions is the objective of our church!  We need personnel in order to equip and mobilize our members.  And we have been entrusted with facilities where we gather for discipleship and worship. We could make an argument about how any of these are really important.  The reality is that they are all very important.  But apparently, according to how are congregation is giving now, we need to do less of each in order to be responsible stewards.

     David McDaniel, chairman of our stewardship committee expresses it in the following way,

     The 2015 budget that has been under consideration for several months has culminated in this proposed budget.  It came about through much deliberation, prayer and concern for not only the ministries but for the Calvary Campus.  The stewardship committee felt that the budget should more closely reflect the 2014 giving incomes but still rely on God’s provision on a weekly basis.  We also deliberated the issue of the Mission’s percentage of the overall budget.  Many of us on the committee have a true heart for yet a greater commitment in this area but in the end all agreed that for 2015 we would agree to that necessary reduction.  Also of concern and prayer is the giving attitude of Calvary and how the church might have an impact on the hearts of individuals for obedience in this area and we lift this up to God as yet an unanswered prayer.  For the ministers part we thank you for your diligent efforts to work with the committee to reach what we feel like is a very reasonable expectation of a budget for 2015, thank you for your support and prayers.

     In the past, the term “Faith Budget” has been used to describe a budget that is challenging.  On occasion there has been some controversy about this idea of “faith” versus “responsible stewardship.”  The reality is that these two concepts are not contrary to each other.  This proposal constitutes a faith budget because it is the result of prayer and seeking God’s direction, because it is relying on God to provide what we need, and because it is exercising responsible stewardship of the resources God has already given us.  Although our 2014 budget consisted of $2.14 million, our congregation has given at the rate of $1.75 million.  We are not currently meeting our budget but we praise God for entrusting us with such financial resources!  If God decides to give us another $1.75 million next year, we will rejoice at the privilege and responsibility of administering it for His glory.

     Please note that this budget includes the staff reductions that have been implemented this fall, including the elimination of some positions, changing some to part-time, and a reduction of medical benefits for pastoral staff.

    This proposed budget will be mailed to the congregation next week and will be recommended by the stewardship committee to the Church in Conference on November 23.  As one of our key CBC leaders, I will ask you to do five things (I cannot overemphasize the importance of your voice in this process): (1) continue to pray for God's direction in the budget adoption process; (2) share information with your respective groups and/or teams; (3) plan to attend the November 23 Church in Conference; (4) encourage other CBC members to attend the Church in Conference; (5) pray that you and each member of our church would follow God's leadership in giving.  Ultimately, more important than budget amounts we want to know that each of us is being obedient and faithful in our giving.  When we do, there will be individual blessing and kingdom advance.

     The budget is shown below in JPEG format, for quick view purposes, and it is also available for download in PDF format by clicking here.

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