A Blog for the leaders at Calvary McAllen

This blog is a place for Lead Pastor Julio to share updates on leadership ideas and developments at Calvary. I encourage feedback and comments as we together seek God's leadership for our church and for His mission.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

What's the difference between the Alpha training on May 23 and the "Groups Matter" training on May 30?


     You may have noticed by now that we have two Saturday trainings scheduled at Calvary at the end of May.  The Alpha "Getting Started" training is on May 23 and the Lifeway "Groups Matter" training is on May 30.  You may be a leader that is being encouraged to attend both and are wondering what's the difference between the two.

     We realize giving up two Saturdays back to back may be quite difficult for you.  So we understand you may have to choose one or the other.  Of course, you are more than welcome to attend both!  But if you need to choose one we want you to make an informed decision.

     I have posted several entries explaining the Alpha course training since that is a first time for our church.  You can see my introductory post by clicking here.

     The "Groups Matter" training will be led by a team from Lifeway Christian Resources (the Southern Baptist Publishing house) and it will offer training for those that lead/teach in our children, student and adult Bible Fellowships.  This is a much needed training as we grow and develop our Bible Fellowships.  You can find more information about this training by going to our website or clicking here.

     The "Groups Matter" training will also have an English and a Spanish track and it will be completely free to participants.

     Whether you attend the "Groups Matter" or the Alpha "Getting Started" training you will be supporting the disciple-making mission of Calvary Baptist Church.  We trust you can make the best decision of which training to attend if you must choose.  If you need any more assistance or want more information, do not hesitate to contact one of our pastors.

How does Alpha fit into the CBC Strategy?

     Although at this point Alpha is a strategy that we will pilot at CBC, I would like to share with you how it could potentially look long term.

     Allow me to remind you of both our church's purpose and vision statements:

Purpose Statement:

Calvary Baptist Church exists to glorify God
by loving Him with all our being and
by loving people in the power of the Holy Spirit
that they might become Christ-followers.

The statement above declares our reason for existing.

Vision Statement:

We will be a community of Christ-followers
who love God with all our being and
are sent into our world by Jesus Christ
in the power of the Holy Spirit
to love others and encourage them to follow Christ,
resulting in the multiplication of missional communities.

The statement above is a declaration of what it will look like when we are living out our purpose.

     My desire is to see ABFs or "missional communities" who are engaging the lost, loving them, and helping them to become disciples.  These mid-size groups (whether we call them ABFs, SBFs, missional communities or something else) can meet on campus on Sunday morning, on campus at another time of the week, or off-campus at any time of the week.  As this happens we will see people come to faith, groups grow, and groups multiply.

     The Alpha course can be a tool for existing ABFs to engage those without faith in Christ yet.  When and how each ABF may choose to do this may vary according to the group.  For others, Alpha may be the pre-ABF or pre-missional community step.  In others words Alpha will be the first step toward starting a mid-size group.

     Alpha is a strategy that can be implemented in a home, at the church, at a restaurant or other venue.

     After the training on how to start Alpha on May 23, we will look for commitments of individuals and groups to start Alpha courses either in the fall of 2015 or the spring of 2016.  The summer months will afford sufficient time for teams to enlist volunteers and make plans to launch an Alpha course in the fall.  I personally hope to launch an Alpha group in the fall.  It is possible that we would have multiple Alpha courses going on this fall or we may just have one or two.  Either way, I'm convinced that this will be like leaven.  It is not about starting a lot of groups immediately but about simply starting.  In due time, the Lord will multiply the efforts as the leaven grows in the whole dough.  That's how Jesus said the kingdom of God works!

    Whether you're sure or not that you would like to be part of Alpha this fall, make plans to attend the training.  Register online today.  The discount code of Calvary leaders is cbcalpha. 

   For the answer to question #8, click here. 

Should I plan to be there all day?

     The Alpha training on May 23 will be from 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM.  We realize this is a whole day commitment.  However, it is important that you plan to attend the entire training.  The training will consist of more than just information.  It will model the group dynamics that are used in the Alpha course.  This is not something that you can just read in a make-up chapter.

     The Alpha course is different from Sunday School classes and ABFs.  It is different from the EQUIP courses we offer.  It is different from the evangelism strategies we have used in the past.  In my opinion this kind of approach to sharing the gospel requires a paradigm shift for those of us that have grown up in evangelical churches utilizing 20th century methods.  For that reason it is very important that we come to this training with open minds, willing hearts and an undivided agenda for the day.

     I realize that asking you for a whole Saturday is a big request.  However I'm convinced that God can use this to bring about renewal to our congregation and a harvest of disciples in God's own time.  So block out May 23 on your calendar and register on line today.  The discount code for Calvary leaders is cbcalpha. 

   You can read the answer to the seventh question by clicking here.

Why are we charging for the training?

     As you go to the online registration page, you will notice that there is a registration cost.  We usually don't charge our leaders when we offer a training.  In this case, we are subsidizing the cost for Calvary leaders, which means Calvary leaders only pay $10 per person.  This is essential the cost of the meals and snacks for the day.  You can get this discounted rate when you use the code cbcalpha.

     As you know trainings like these incur costs.  We are bringing a team from out of state which implies travel costs.  There are materials, publicity, and foods costs.  Based on our projected attendance for the training, we are estimating the cost per person to be around $40.  We will charge this full cost to people coming from other churches.  However, Calvary will subsidize the cost for Calvary leaders and for Calvary members who are interested in staring Alpha.

     We calculated all these costs trying to make it accessible to everyone while also being good stewards of our limited church budget resources.  We know this is a good investment of money and we hope it is accessible to you.  If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.  Please don't let money be what keeps you from participating.

     For the answer to the sixth question click here please.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Who is the Alpha Training for? Should I Go?

     The Alpha training which I have described in the previous posts is meant for Calvary members and leaders who want to know how to start an Alpha course.  Some of you might feel led to start one or be part of a team.  Others of you may not feel led to do so but understanding the strategy will help you be supportive, especially in prayer.

     Ideally ABFs can utilize Alpha as a way to reach their friends, neighbors and relatives for Christ.  So ABF leaders and members are invited.  Deacons, pastors and other leaders are also encouraged to attend.  Any CBC member that wishes to start Alpha or be part of a team may also attend.  Any of the people mentioned in this paragraph can use the Calvary leaders' discount code (cbcalpha).

     On Saturday, May 23 there will be two simultaneous trainings: one in English and the other in Spanish.  Saturday is our main training.  In addition, for those who might be interested we will also have an Alpha Youth training in English and a Family course in Spanish both on Friday night.  See the registration page for more information. 

     We are also inviting leaders from other churches in the area.  However, this is primarily a Calvary event.  Our hope is that at least 75% of the available spots are filled with Calvary people.  We have child care available but there are limited spots.  So if you need child care, we encourage you to register soon and reserve a spot for your child (children).

     I hope you will invest of your precious time in this important training which can yield eternal dividends!

     For the answer to the fifth question click here.

Why bring Alpha to CBC now?

     Calvary has always been an evangelistic church.  For many years we successfully used the FAITH strategy.  FAITH was an adaptation of Evangelism Explosion, which was started by James Kennedy when he was pastor of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in Fort Lauderdale.  Currently our Spanish ministry is using the Spanish version of Evangelism Explosion: Evangelismo Explosivo.

     It has been a few years since we have had a focused evangelism strategy in our English Language Ministry at Calvary.  Of course, evangelism has been happening through the personal witness of individuals, the fellowship of ABFs, various events and our worship services.  But I have been praying that God would direct us to a focused strategy for reaching the lost.  My heart is that we would be a church of disciple-makers.  So whatever evangelism strategy we use has to be integrated with discipleship and missions.

     Over 20 years ago, I had the privilege of being pastor & friend to Jose & Lidia Garrigó in Fort Worth.  After seminary graduation the Garrigo's followed God's call to church planting in the Barcelona area of Spain.  Our church had the privilege of supporting them in prayers and with finances.  I had the opportunity of visiting them in Barcelona when they were having little to no success in their church planting effort.  (Spain is very much a post-Christendom place where sharing the gospel is difficult).  Sometime later José & Lidia went to London and took the Alpha training.  God used that tool and other variables to bring several Spaniards to a relationship with Jesus.  On a subsequent visit to Spain I saw with my own eyes how God had transformed the lives of these individuals.  Since then José & Lidia became Alpha leaders across Spain, parts of Europe, and are now in the U.S. as AlphaUSA leaders and also training people in Alpha Latinos throughout Latin America.  After a recent visit from José to McAllen, the Lord laid on my heart that this might be the time and the strategy for Calvary.  (Our context today shares much in common to where Europe was 20 years ago!).  When I shared with the pastoral staff the idea of learning this strategy, they enthusiastically agreed.  So I'm pleased to say that José, Lidia and their team will be coming to Calvary on May 23 to train us on how to start Alpha!

                         José Garrigó                    Lidia Garrigó
                  Alpha USA Director            Alpha Trainer for
                       Alpha Latinos                Relationship Central  

                     Mariel Rocha                     Sam Stevens
                 National Trainer for           Director for Alpha
                     Alpha Youth                  California & Hawaii

     Of course the reason we share the gospel is because Christ commissioned us to do it.  We as the church get to join God's mission of redeeming the world to Himself.  There are many in the McAllen area who need to have a saving relationship with Jesus Christ.  As I shared with you in the first post, the McAllen area is one of the top churchless cities in the U.S.

     Take time to register today.  Click here to do so.  The Calvary leaders' discount code is cbcalpha.

     For the answer to my fourth question, click here.

Alpha: Evangelism Strategy? How?

     If you do any research on line about the Alpha course you will likely not find the label "evangelism strategy" related to it.  However, in our promotion of this training I have chosen to use that descriptor in order to give you an idea of what Alpha is about.  In this post I'm answering the question of how Alpha is not like and how it is different from other evangelism strategies.  (Question #2 from the previous blog post).  In a large part, the training will help to clarify that.  But I understand you may not come to the training if you don't have some understanding of what this is.

     When people hear the word evangelism there are some preconceived notions that might come to mind.  For example:
  1. Evangelism consists of presenting a memorized outline and list of Bible verses often referred to as "the plan of salvation."
  2. Evangelism consists of door-to-door (cold turkey) visits to people we don't know in order to get a chance to present "the plan of salvation."
  3. Effective evangelism consists of convincing an individual to pray "the sinner's prayer" at the end of our presentation, hopefully on the first visit.
  4. Evangelism is about "saving souls" or getting people into heaven even if we don't get to build a relationship with the person or disciple them.
  5. You have to have the gift of evangelism or a lot of courage in order to present the plan of salvation to people.
Alpha does not share any of the above five notions!  So in that sense, it is not like a other evangelism strategies.  Many of these type of evangelism strategies were developed in a modern world where most folks had a Judeo-Christian worldview or notion.  (I'm not saying that other evangelism strategies are not legitimate. I'm simply pointing out how Alpha is different from them).

     So in what sense is Alpha an evangelism strategy?  In that,
  1. It seeks to engage those without faith in Christ
  2. It explores the biblical truths of God's redemptive plan through Jesus Christ
  3. Its objective is that at some point those involved will establish a relationship with Jesus that will lead to life-long discipleship
But the Alpha course accomplishes this by building relationships with people in a caring way, facilitating dialogue that is non-judgmental and allows the Holy Spirit to do the convicting, allowing people to voluntarily respond to the gospel after they have understood its context.  This strategy recognized that many folks do not have a Christian or biblical worldview.  So in many ways, it is similar to how the New Testament church might have shared the gospel in the pagan world of the first century.

     So you don't have to have the "gift" of evangelism to use this tool.  You simply have to care for people, treat them as guests, engage in conversation, pray, and let God's Holy Spirit do the rest.

     If this interests you and if you want to know more about how to do this, please register for the training by clicking here.  (The discount code for Calvary leaders is cbcalpha).  Looking forward to seeing you here at Calvary on May 23! 

     To see the answer to my third question click here.

Alpha Course: An Evangelism Strategy?

     By now you have seen our announcements regarding the Alpha course training that we will offer here at Calvary on May 23rd.  Perhaps you don't have questions about life but you do have questions about the training! You might be asking:
  1. What is Alpha? (read below)
  2. If it has to do with evangelism, how is it like or different from other evangelism strategies?
  3. Why bring Alpha to CBC now?
  4. Who is this training for?  Should I go?
  5. Why is there a cost for the training?
  6. If this is an all-day training, can I just go part of the day?
  7. How does this fit into the overall strategy of CBC ministry?
  8. What is the difference between this training and the "Groups Matter" training on May 30?
     I will address these eight questions in a series of brief blog posts with the hope that you will register for the training and use this new tool we are offering.  So let's get you some answers:

What is Alpha?

     Alpha is a "course" that explores Christianity in a non-threatening, relational environment.  It consists of a series of about 10 weekly meetings over a meal and a weekend getaway at some point.  The topics that are discussed are the person and work of Jesus, personal faith, the Bible, the Holy Spirit and the church.

     This course began at the Holy Trinity Brampton (Anglican) Church in London over 20 years ago to introduce people to Christianity.  (Those of you familiar with Evangelism Explosion might know that EE was started by Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church, Fort Lauderdale).  Today 27 million people in 169 countries have gone through Alpha in one of 112 languages.  Alpha courses are hosted/sponsored by 127 denominations in all 50 states of the U.S.  

    As the amount of people in the world who are unchurched and unfamiliar with the Christian faith is growing at a fast pace, it is encouraging to know that 28% of Alpha participants are under 35 years old; 40% of Alpha participants are from outside the church (unchurched); 50% of Alpha participants establish a personal relationship with Jesus.  In other words, this course is really reaching the "lost" with the gospel in a very effective way.

     Although I will address this in another post, I will simply mention here that the Alpha course is relevant today because it is a strategy that works for populations that are unfamiliar with Christianity and/or the church.  It is a strategy that is cross-cultural and relevant in a post-modern world.

   If you are wondering how "unchurched" the McAllen area is, see this article from Barna where the McAllen area ranks fourth in the List of churchless cities of the U.S.

  Click here or go to our church website to register for the training at Calvary.  (The discount code for Calvary leaders is cbcalpha).  I encourage you to register today!  (I've already registered!)

     To see the answer to my second question click here.