A Blog for the leaders at Calvary McAllen

This blog is a place for Lead Pastor Julio to share updates on leadership ideas and developments at Calvary. I encourage feedback and comments as we together seek God's leadership for our church and for His mission.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Leaving Comments on this Blog

          Several of our Calvary Leaders have expressed to me that they have had difficulty leaving comments on my blog.  I apologize that this is so.  I hope to help a little with that in this post.

          When you leave a comment you are asked to select a "profile."  Those that have blogger profiles or have an "internet" identity of some kind may choose a Google, LiveJournal, WordPress, TypePad, AIM or OpenID.  I believe this is in order to connect people with their blogs and with other integrated information sources (and also to post your photo by your name).  For those that do not have one of these profiles already, there are two options for leaving a comment.  Below I offer a set of step-by-step instructions and screen shots from the missions catalog post that illustrate how to leave a comment.

         Option one is the "name/url."  In order to do so, you select that option from the drop down menu.  It is the second to the last option.  You can then enter your name.  The URL field is optional.  You may use it to enter your webpage address or blog or simply leave it blank.  Below I will enter "John Smith."

After you enter your information, click "continue" and it should lead you to the screen for entering your comment.  See my comment below "comment demo...test."

After you have typed your comment, then you may either click "publish" which will post the comment without opportunity for you to edit or "preview" which will give you an opportunity to see it and edit it before publishing.  Once you publish it, the posted comment will look like this:

When you are using a blogger or similar profile, your photo may appear on the left hand side of your name.  When using the "name/url" option, it will have a silhouette icon on the left side of your name and comment.

           Option two is "anonymous."  You may use this option to leave an anonymous comment.

Once you select it, you may enter your comment.  You can leave any name reference out of the comment, or you sign with initials, or with some kind of "pseudo-name" such as "concerned leader" or "angry bird" or "happy deacon."

Once you enter the comment you have the same option to either click "publish" or "preview."

I really appreciate the time you take to read my blog posts and I want to encourage you to leave comments.  The comments are helpful to me and it also stimulates dialogue with other leaders.

          I hope this "how to post" has been helpful.

Blessings to you!

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