A Blog for the leaders at Calvary McAllen

This blog is a place for Lead Pastor Julio to share updates on leadership ideas and developments at Calvary. I encourage feedback and comments as we together seek God's leadership for our church and for His mission.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Mark Richardson Called to Another Church

It is with great sadness that I post Mark Richardson's letter below.  I have grown to love Mark and have really enjoyed working with him here.  I understand being called away from a place where you are “comfortable” because that’s what I had to do 2 1/2 years ago.  I know it is not easy for either party.  We will greatly miss Mark.

Here is his letter:

Dear Calvary Church Family,

It is with deeply mixed emotions that my family and I submit our resignation effective Monday, April 1, 2013, to accept a call as worship pastor at a church in Lindale, TX. Our emotions are mixed because we love you so much and are sad to go, yet are excited about God's call to a new challenge in our lives. Whenever I hear someone is leaving a church, I wonder "What's the back-story?" Let me assure you, our leaving is not because of any strife or difficulty here. In fact, the decision to leave is made more difficult because of how much we love this church that has been our home for so long, because of how much we love and respect our pastor and staff, and because life and ministry here have been so fulfilling. But we have sensed God's clear leadership to make this move. Throughout our time here, I could not have asked for a more supportive, encouraging pastor, nor a closer friend than God has given me in Julio, nor could I have asked for a more loving and supportive church family or music team with which to work. You have been a gracious gift from God to us and we will miss you very much and will pray for you often.

Mark Richardson

I have spent the weekend and the better part of this week working on an interim plan from April forward.  I want to ensure a smooth transition.  At this point, we have worship leaders for the 11 o'clock and 12:30 services but will not have one for the 9:30 service after March 31 (as of yet).  In addition to leading the 9:30 worship service, Mark has:

  1. Led the choir and the orchestra;
  2. Been the team leader for all things worship, including seasonal events (Christmas, Easter, Church in Conference);
  3. Been the point person for weddings and funerals at Calvary and for Calvary members;
  4. Been the weekly bulletin editor;
  5. Been the team leader for communications.

My primary concern at this point is finding the right person to be the worship leader at 9:30.  I love the 9:30 congregation.  As you know, our 9:30 service is not a traditional nor a contemporary service.  It is an artistic blend of the two.  It is a service for all families, including, but not limited to, many of our senior adults.  It is difficult to find someone with the skill set for such a service.  I ask for your prayerful support in that respect.

I have asked Jared Solis, in his role as worship & media associate, to be the point person for all things worship.  This primarily means that he would be the coordinating person for the three Sunday services.  However, he will only lead the 11 o’clock service.  Each service will have a different worship leader who can dedicate his/her full attention to the particular service.  This is the plan, at least for the interim period.

Mark has shared his decision with the staff and with the music & worship leadership and with the choir.  We are planning to make the “official” announcement to the congregation this Sunday at the conclusion of each of the English services.

This will be a difficult transition but I am convinced that, if God is in this, he will bless Mark and his family and he will see Calvary through this.  Our hope is in Him.  His plans are always best even when it may not seem evident immediately.  When we look back in the years to come, we will see how God glorified Himself in Mark's life and ministry and in Calvary's mission.  All the while, we must fully depend on Him.

I thank you in advance for your prayerful support.  Please know that I am willing to listen to any concern you might have.

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