A Blog for the leaders at Calvary McAllen

This blog is a place for Lead Pastor Julio to share updates on leadership ideas and developments at Calvary. I encourage feedback and comments as we together seek God's leadership for our church and for His mission.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Church in Conference Participation and Decisions

Last night with approximately 160 Calvary members, representing all three Sunday morning services, attended "The Church in Conference" event.  Those attending were able to see exhibits about the missions and ministries supported through our church budget.  A brief fellowship time which included cheese nachos was followed by congregational worship in English and Spanish.

The By-Laws Standing committee presented two amendments to Calvary's bylaws.  One of them had to do with when and how individuals may join the church, allowing the congregation to receive members at any of its worship services.  The other had to do with the role of the deacons when the office of the lead pastor is vacant.  Both amendments were approved by an overwhelming majority.  You can see the amendments here: Constitutional Amendments.

The Deacon Screening and Nominating Committee presented 11 deacon nominees (representing men from all three of our worship services): George Kydd, Alfonso Cavazos, Jose Luis Cuellar, Dennis Chang, Joe Martell, Brent McBain, Marco Murrillo, Javier Gonzalez, Warren Reed, Ken Munn and David Heflin.  There were 140 ballots cast and all nominees received more than the required 2/3 affirmative vote.  All of these men will be rotating into the active deacon body in January.  You can see their biographies here: Deacon Biographies.

The Stewardship Committee presented the 2012 Budget consisting of a total $2,059,615 for the year or $38,861 weekly (53 Sundays in 2012).  The budget is divided as follows: 18% for missions; 53% for personnel; 7% for direct ministries and 22% for ministry support.  The budget was approved as presented by an overwhelming majority and will be effective on January 1, 2012.  You can see a copy of the budget here: Budget 2012.

We are grateful for the committees that prayed and worked hard in preparation for this meeting, for all the staff and volunteers who worked hard to make the experience meaningful for those attending and for each member who participated and contributed with his/her presence, questions and vote.

It is our desire that God would be glorified through every decision that was made last night.  As we move forward to 2012 we continue to pray for the Lord's blessing, direction, wisdom and provision.  We realize that without Him we cannot do anything.  We also rejoice in knowing that He is able to do great things through us as we trust Him.  May He be glorified.  May our church grow into the likeness of Christ.  May our community be blessed by our presence here.  And, may more people around the world become followers of Christ as we pray, give and go.

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