A Blog for the leaders at Calvary McAllen

This blog is a place for Lead Pastor Julio to share updates on leadership ideas and developments at Calvary. I encourage feedback and comments as we together seek God's leadership for our church and for His mission.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Worship Leader and Style for 9:30 AM Service

     It has been more than a year since we have had a full-time Pastor for Music and Worship.  Each of our three services is different in style and one of them is different in language.  Benjamin Aguirre has been the worship leader for the 12:30 PM service.  He does this in addition to pastoral ministry responsibilities in the Spanish Language Ministry.  Jared Solis continues to be the worship leader for our 11:00 AM service, which is labeled “contemporary.”  Jared’s other responsibilities on staff include coordinating all of the media elements for each of our Sunday worship services and also overseeing communication elements, such as the bulletin production, graphic design, etc.  During the interim time, when we have not had a Pastor for Music and Worship who oversees all of the worship and music ministries, we have had several people lead our 9:30 AM service, including Chuck Olson, Diann Whisnand, Chad Mason, Jared Solis, Melinda Rodriguez, Jeff Bridwell, and guest worship leader, Andy Muskrat.  We are thankful for the great talent and spirit with which each of these have led our worship experience.  God has blessed us with talented folks who possess a servant heart.

     In regard to filling the full-time position of Pastor for Music and Worship, our Church in Conference voted to table the decision to begin the search until the next regular Church in Conference due to financial reasons.  Whatever the decision of the church might be at the next Church in Conference, given the nature of search processes, it is evident that we will not fill this position any time soon.  In fact, the position may not be filled until 2015, if then.  In the meantime, I have asked that Benjamin Aguirre continue to be the worship leader for the 12:30 service and that Jared Solis continue to be the worship leader for the 11 o’clock service.  So the next decision I need to make is the appointing of a part-time worship leader for the 9:30 AM service.  Your prayers for me as I make this decision are greatly appreciated.

     (It should be noted that the full-time position of Pastor for Music and Worship entails much more than directing the 9:30 AM service.  This position is designed to be the pastoral level position in the church that oversees all worship and music functions in addition to aspects of communication.  This includes coordinating general direction of Sunday services, working closely with each worship leader, overseeing music and worship budget, supervising the music and worship ministry assistant, coordinating weddings and policies, coordinating funerals, leading seasonal musical presentations such as Easter, Christmas, etc., facilitating children's choir, handbells choir, adult choir, and resourcing multiple volunteers in the area of music and worship.  The full-time Pastor for Music and Worship also supervises the media associate making sure all aspects of worship production function appropriately.  In addition the Pastor for Music and Worship was overseeing bulletin and graphic design production.  Thus, having a worship leader for each of our services does not mean that all of the needs are addressed by them anymore than having a preacher for each service would mean that we have pastoral leadership.  Thus, in the meantime, I have given Jared Solis the supervision of the bulletin and graphic design, and since we do not have a Pastor of Administration, I will be the coordinating pastor for the rest of the music and worship areas not covered by worship leaders).

     Before making a decision on who should be the part-time worship leader for our 9:30 service, we must revisit the issue of music style for that worship service.  Although we want to avoid the worship wars we fought back in the 90s, we do need to address this issue.  The current label for our 9:30 service is “classic.”  Those that came up with it used this label in the same sense as “coke classic” versus “new coke.”  What they meant by it was a “blended” style of worship that utilizes the great hymns of the faith and combines them with contemporary songs in order to provide a meaningful worship experience for people of all ages who prefer not to worship in an all-rock-style format.  We believe keeping this balance in the 9:30 service will give the service longevity regardless of what generations are included in the congregation.  We don't intend for this to be a fully contemporary service but we do want it to be a vibrant and classy service.  That has been the design of the “classic” service for many years, regardless of the time it met (11:00 AM; 8:15 AM and now 9:30 AM).  However, many have interpreted “classic” to mean “classical” or “traditional.”  Some mistakenly have assumed that our 9:30 service is an all-classical or all-traditional style worship service.  Thus, two issues need to be addressed: (1) Since the "classic" label has proven to be confusing for some folks, consider changing the name from “classic” to something else that conveys more clearly the design of the service; (2) explore and communicate clearly what we mean by “blended” or whatever label we use.

     In order to explore this, I will be inviting various worship leaders throughout the summer.  These are not necessarily candidates who we are considering for part-time worship leaders.  Most of them would not be available for that!  They simply will help us explore with variations of “classic” (“blended”) worship style so that we can have a conversation about it.  During the summer I will be seeking feedback through various means in order to make a determination.  Determining a label and a description of that label for our 9:30 service will help us select the right worship leader.  Please be open-minded, worshipful, and prayerful through this process.  (John 4:23-24).  It is easy to get distracted with issues of worship style and song selection and forget that worship is about God and not about us.  So we must continue to focus on worshipping the FATHER in spirit and in truth.

     On Father's Day Benjamin Aguirre led our 9:30 worship service.  We are grateful for his willingness to do so.  He and his family brought a beautiful special song as we celebrated Father's Day.  The choir had a break and we missed them.  But we are thankful for all the instrumentalists and vocalists who participated and made it a meaningful worship experience.

     Yesterday we had a guest worship leader in the 9:30 service.  Carlos Rangel is originally from Brazil where he graduated from the Baptist Seminary in Rio de Janeiro with a B.A. in church music and a concentration in voice.  Since then he graduated from the Baptist University of the Americas in San Antonio with a B.A. in Theology and from Baylor University with and M.A. in Divinity with a concentration on worship leadership.  He is currently pursuing an M.A. in Music at Baylor University with a concentration in church music.  He has recently served on the music and worship staff at Park Lake Baptist Church in Waco and Trinity Baptist Church in San Antonio.  We are grateful for Carlos and his leadership of our worship service.

     Next Sunday, June 29, Dr. Marshall Johnston will be our guest worship leader in the 9:30 service.  Dr. Johnston serves as the Dean of Student Affairs for the South Texas School of Christian Studies which has a Corpus Christi and a McAllen campus.  He has served various churches in Texas as pastor and as worship leader.  We look forward to having him in our midst as God uses him to lead our congregation into His presence through music.

     Calvary is a blessed church!


  1. Regardless of Style, the worship should be designed to please God's ears and not that of the congregation. Do not lose sight of the One we are worshiping and end up focusing on the worshiper. As we have continued to design the services around the congregational desires for worship, the church as a local community at Calvary will continue to find discord within its walls. If all music is focused on worshiping God based on the Word of God and the congregation focuses on worshiping God and not their personal selfish desires, then will there be harmony within the church and there will not be a desire nor perceived need to have multiple "styles" in worship. If we purpose in worshiping our heavenly Father, then just like "race", we will become colorblind to style and only see our heavenly Father without prejudice to music style. I pray the leaders of Calvary will focus on what is pleasing to God and not to man in their journey of seeking God's will for the body of believers found at Calvary. Just as Solomon prayed to God in Chapter 3 of 1 Kings for wisdom in leading God's people, I pray the leaders of Calvary will echo this same prayer found in scripture.

    1. Thank you "anonymous" for your comment and for your prayers. Worship is about God. Music is a heart language and people worship best in their heart language (just like people hear the sermon best in their own language). So as leaders we need to be sensitive to that while maintaining the centrality of God in worship.

  2. I thought Calcary was a committee driven church. Shouldn't the personnel committee be in on any decision about staff - including part time worship leaders? Also is there a cost to these visiting worship leaders?

    1. Thank you "Latte" for your questions. Calvary is a committee driven church. Committees oversee all aspects of our church in a similar way to how a board oversees a company. In particular, our Constitution and Bylaws stipulate that Pastoral Staff should be sought by a committee and called by the church. However, when a vacancy exists, while the church launches a search process, the bylaws indicate (Article II, II, E. 1 , p. 9) the following: "The Senior Pastor shall be responsible for filling vacancies on a temporary basis until a permanent replacement has been made." Although the bylaws do not require that the personnel committee be involved in this decision, I have chosen to work closely with the personnel committee, securing their support and keeping them informed.

      In regard to the cost of visiting worship leaders, the answer is "yes." However, the cost does not compare to the cost of having a full-time pastoral staff member on board. We are taking measures to cut cost in various areas of the church. However, it is important that we invest in providing good leadership for each of our services. While we remain good stewards of the resources God has given us, we also need to make sure that our church is in a growth posture. Investing in the right worship leadership is an investment in the future growth of our congregation. (It is not the only investment that needs to be made but is is an important one).

      Thanks again for your concern. I hope I have answered your questions. Blessings to you.
