A Blog for the leaders at Calvary McAllen

This blog is a place for Lead Pastor Julio to share updates on leadership ideas and developments at Calvary. I encourage feedback and comments as we together seek God's leadership for our church and for His mission.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Lots to Celebrate

This weekend we are in celebration mode!  This morning's worship services reflected that.

Adventure Week/Family VBS
We had a successful Adventure Week/Family VBS.  In addition to the usual excitement of having children learn about the Bible and worship God, this year we added a component for parents.  Pastor Rolando led the Spanish track and I had the privilege of facilitating the English track.  The parent response was excellent in terms of attendance and participation.  The week ended with a swimming party for the families that attended.  We are so grateful for our staff and volunteer leadership that made this possible, including Pastor Susan and Cheri Huerta, among many others.  We are considering this event the kick-off to a "Summer of the Family."

(Additionally, the week before, our mission-church in Sullivan City celebrated a very successful VBS.  This year was also significant in this annual event for it was the first time in a long time that all of the leadership and volunteer force was local.  After many years of having the leadership and volunteer force come from outside, this is a giant step in the right direction!  We grateful for those that are serving at Primera Iglesia Bautista, Sullivan City, including Raul and Alba San Martin).

Return of the Amazon Trip Group
This last week our group that went on mission to the Amazon Basin returned safely.  After a 24 hour or so delay in Houston, they finally arrived in the Valley.  This morning in our worship services we were able to see the photos of the different places in the Jungle and along the Amazon where our group had an opportunity to minister alongside local leaders.  Activities included evangelism events, baptisms, women conferences and ministry to youth and children among various indigenous people groups.  We also heard the great testimonies of individuals who went on the trip.  We thank God for David and Denise Love and their exceptional leadership.  (We are praying for our team that will leave to Kenya this week and for Tracy Hughes and Pastor Marcus as they lead).

Camp Zephyr
The week before last our students attended Camp at Zephyr where they had a great experience.  We heard testimonies from some of these students.  Some of them made professions of faith.  Others returned committed to serving and living missionally.  We are grateful for this life-changing opportunity, the leadership of our staff and volunteers and the support of our church.  Pastor Marcus, not only led our bus-full of students from Calvary, but also directed the entire week's experience for all students.

Children's Building Loan Balance
The balance of this loan is reported in our bulletin every week.  Although our Building Fund campaign has been officially over for some time, many of our members and other contributors have continued to give regularly to this fund above and beyond their regular tithes and offerings.  Because of such generosity the balance on this loan has slowly been reduced.  In order to increase the pace of this process, the stewardship committee, under the leadership of its chairman, Richard Vaughan, has been allocating additional budget income toward this fund.  You might have noticed that by the end of May we reported that the loan balance went below the $300,000 level!  This was a significant milestone!  Today you might have noticed that the loan balance is now below the $200,000 level!  In one month's time, through the generous giving of our people and the bold leadership of our stewardship committee, the debt has been reduced by about $100,000!

All of these are exciting things that God is doing at Calvary this summer.  We are grateful for your support and for your leadership.  Continue to pray as we follow God's leadership into the future He has in store for Calvary.  May we continue to apply ourselves to His mission and may we be found faithful.

1 comment:

  1. We could see God's hand and His faithfulness working in our church. We are privilaged to serve and be part of what God is doing in Calvary. Thanks for the report.
