A Blog for the leaders at Calvary McAllen

This blog is a place for Lead Pastor Julio to share updates on leadership ideas and developments at Calvary. I encourage feedback and comments as we together seek God's leadership for our church and for His mission.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Deacon Ministry Seminar: 12-11-10

Calvary has recently elected six men who will join the active deacon team at the beginning of 2011.  Some one may ask what is the role of deacons at Calvary Baptist Church?  How does their work relate to the pastoral staff? How does it relate to the other ministries of the church?  What does the Bible say about it?  What has been the Baptist tradition in that regard?

This topic has found new interest in Baptist churches today as the role of deacons has changed in some.  Some Baptist churches have done away with the deacon ministry altogether.  Others have established elder boards.  It is important that we consider this matter for our context.

On Saturday, 12-11-10, beginning at 8:30 am in our multi-purpose building, I will lead an overview of the role of deacons, hoping to cover biblical, historical and practical areas of this topic.  The seminar is for deacons and for any others who are interested in understanding the role of the deacon in our church.  It is my hope that this seminar can help us understand our roles better, and thus, be more effective in the work that God has entrusted us.

Since this seminar involves meals, I am asking you to confirm your participation so that we can plan the food accordingly.  Please notify Kathleen Beecher in our church office of your participation via phone (686-4364) or e-mail (musicministry@calvarymcallen.org) by Wednesday, December 8.

I hope you can join us.

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