Although at this point Alpha is a strategy that we will pilot at CBC, I would like to share with you how it could potentially look long term.
Allow me to remind you of both our church's purpose and vision statements:
Purpose Statement:
Calvary Baptist Church exists to glorify God
by loving Him with all our being and
by loving people in the power of the Holy Spirit
that they might become Christ-followers.
The statement above declares our reason for existing.
Vision Statement:
We will be a community of Christ-followers
who love God with all our being and
are sent into our world by Jesus Christ
in the power of the Holy Spirit
to love others and encourage them to follow Christ,
resulting in the multiplication of missional communities.
The statement above is a declaration of what it will look like when we are living out our purpose.
My desire is to see ABFs or "missional communities" who are engaging the lost, loving them, and helping them to become disciples. These mid-size groups (whether we call them ABFs, SBFs, missional communities or something else) can meet on campus on Sunday morning, on campus at another time of the week, or off-campus at any time of the week. As this happens we will see people come to faith, groups grow, and groups multiply.
The Alpha course can be a tool for existing ABFs to engage those without faith in Christ yet. When and how each ABF may choose to do this may vary according to the group. For others, Alpha may be the pre-ABF or pre-missional community step. In others words Alpha will be the first step toward starting a mid-size group.
Alpha is a strategy that can be implemented in a home, at the church, at a restaurant or other venue.
After the training on how to start Alpha on May 23, we will look for commitments of individuals and groups to start Alpha courses either in the fall of 2015 or the spring of 2016. The summer months will afford sufficient time for teams to enlist volunteers and make plans to launch an Alpha course in the fall. I personally hope to launch an Alpha group in the fall. It is possible that we would have multiple Alpha courses going on this fall or we may just have one or two. Either way, I'm convinced that this will be like leaven. It is not about starting a lot of groups immediately but about simply starting. In due time, the Lord will multiply the efforts as the leaven grows in the whole dough. That's how Jesus said the kingdom of God works!
Whether you're sure or not that you would like to be part of Alpha this fall, make plans to attend the training. Register online today. The discount code of Calvary leaders is cbcalpha.
For the answer to question #8, click here.
For the answer to question #8, click here.
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