A couple of Sundays ago Pastor Chad, our pastor for mobilization and global impact, announced the publication of Calvary's first missions catalog. The catalog is in print now and available for you to take a copy home.
This catalog features the missionaries that we support directly. (We support thousands of missionaries through our Baptist Cooperative Program but the catalog features those we support directly). Many of these are Calvary members. Each missionary feature includes a photograph, a description of the type of ministry they conduct and ways in which you can be praying for them. In some cases, the catalog provides information on how to contact these missionaries directly.
It is our desire that this catalog would inform you about the people and ministries that you are supporting with your offerings. (Every time you place your tithe or offering in the offering plate, 20% of it goes to missions!). We also hope that you will be encouraged to pray for our missionaries and inspired to find your way in participating in God's local and global mission.
The catalog also lists several of the ministries with whom we network in addition to the RGVBA (Rio Grand Valley Baptist Association), the BGCT (Baptist General Convention of Texas), and the IMB of the SBC (International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention). These are the "given" cooperating relationships for a Baptist church. The catalog lists the "above and beyond" relationships that we are establishing. Lastly, the catalog lists the various short-term opportunities for Calvary members to engage in international projects.
The idea is that this catalog be published annually in order to provide our congregation current information for prayer and support. In the meantime, we will be updating information on our missionaries in our new mobilization web page:
You may go directly to this site or you may click on the "live his mission" tab in our regular calvary webpage (http://www.calvarymcallen.org). The mobilization web page is still under development but you can go there and begin to see much useful information including a blog by Pastor Chad.
We are very grateful for Pastor Chad and his leadership. He is the editor of this missions catalog and also oversees the new mobilization web site. It is evident that he is gifted in many areas and passionate about seeing each disciple engaged in praying, giving or going to the ends of the world...until all the nations worship the Lamb!
Great job Pastor Chad and the staff who brought all of this information together! We can now see who our missionaries are and where they are serving. I did not know the vast number of missionaries that Calvary supports and the extent of their global reach until I read this publication.