At our Church in Conference on March 30 of this year, Calvary (1) approved the recommendation from the personnel committee to change the staff position of Spanish Language Ministry Associate to a pastoral staff level position with the title Associate Pastor for Spanish Language Ministry, and (2) elected a search committee to recommend a candidate who can fill the position, in keeping with our church bylaws regarding the filling of pastoral staff positions. (The personnel committee recommended that Benjamin Aguirre, who presently occupies the position at the associate level, be considered as the primary candidate for the position).
The elected search committee consists of Iliana Garza, Mine Mutz, Artemio Perez, Jose Luis Cuellar and Jeffery Bodoh. The committee elected Iliana Garza as the chairperson and met multiple times to pray, discuss the search plan, and interview Benjamín Aguirre. Subsequently, the committee voted unanimously to recommend Benjamin Aguirre to fill the pastoral staff position of Associate Pastor for Spanish Language Ministry. This Sunday night, June 1st at 6:30 PM, the committee will present its recommendation to the Church in Conference. The church will vote on that same occasion. This recommendation is the only item on the agenda for the Church in Conference.
The graphic below demonstrates the change that this recommendation implies (moving Benjamín from associate staff level to pastoral staff level):
The chart above shows in the third column the staff members that are hired (not by congregational vote) and in the first two columns the pastoral staff members who are called (by congregational vote). The difference between team leaders and other staff pastors are that the former requires a masters degree and supervises multiple staff members, while the latter requires a bachelor's degree.
The recommendation will include the name of the candidate and the compensation amount approved by the personnel and the stewardship committees. The personnel committee has developed a system for determining compensation amounts for pastoral staff that takes into account the following variables: level of education, level of responsibility, and years of experience and/or service at Calvary. The compensation package which will be presented will be in keeping with this criteria.
The job description for this position and Benjamín's resume can be accessed through the following hyperlinks for your information:
As a Calvary leader, I encourage you to be present, participate and prayerfully consider your vote on this search committee recommendation. I also ask that you encourage your group and/or ministry team to do the same.