As I stated in the 9-23-10 post, one of the primary reasons for having multiple services is to provide room for growth. We want to be a congregation whose heart is on reaching those without Christ and making sure that there is room for them. However, providing space for growth does not automatically produce growth. There are other elements that are important for growth to take place.
Genuine growth can only be produced by God's Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 3:6-7). So must seek Him and allow his power to work through us and around us. Another aspect necessary for growth is what I would call momentum. According to Wikipedia,
In classical mechanics, momentum is the product of the mass and velocity of an object (p = mv). Like velocity, momentum is a vector quantity, possessing a direction as well as a magnitude.
But when I use the word, I mean the combination of congregational identity, confidence, enthusiasm, energy and shared sense of purpose. Perhaps another way of describing it is a "snowball effect." Once the snowball gets rolling, it picks up speed and size. I believe this is part of what we need at Calvary in order to experience significant growth. I also think that combining the two contemporary worship services can position us to gain that kind of momentum.
We are reminded that our objective is not numerical growth but to be a vibrant church that is well connected to God and that loves people. We refer to this as spiritual and relational vitality. Nevertheless when there is this kind of vibrant health, numerical growth will be a natural by product.
The reality is that we have not experienced growth in attendance to our English worship services for the last eight months or so. In September I reported that our 8:15 am service attendance had been averaging below 200, our 9:45 am below 300, our 11:15 am fluctuated between 200 and 250 and our 12:45 pm (Spanish) service about 240. Since then, the average attendance to the 8:15 am service has been about 180, 9:45 am about 250, 11:15 am about 200, and 12:45 pm (Spanish) right below 300. (The actual average of the Spanish service for the first quarter of 2011 is 307. The Spanish service is the only one growing in attendance at this time). Our combined worship attendance is a little above 900.
Compared to previous years, the combined attendance to English services is at a low point for the first quarter of 2011. In the previous four years, the highest combined worship attendance took place in the 2008--2009 school year. For the 2010--2011 school year our combined worship attendance is very compatible with that. The growth in the Spanish service has helped our combined attendance remain strong.
In the 9-23-10 blog post I noted that the combined attendance of the two contemporary worship services had been under 500 except for five occasions in the 2010 calendar year where it came close to 600. Since then, there have only been two occasions where the 500 mark has been surpassed in the combined contemporary services. I anticipate that Easter Sunday would be a third occasion in which this would be the case. Having observed the patterns and trends, if we combine the two contemporary services, there would still be space for growth. We may have to be creative on future Easter and Christmas musical Sundays.
The questions that arise when making such a move include:
- what time will the classic, contemporary and Spanish services be at?
- how will the Bible Fellowships work?
- when should such a change be implemented?
- what are some of the implications of such a change?
I have discussed this matter with the pastoral staff and with some leaders. I have also received e-mails from church members regarding the issue.
The pastoral staff and I feel like the best option for times of services will be as follows:
09:30 am Classic Worship (Contemporary Bible Fellowships)
11:00 am Contemporary Worship (Classic & Spanish Bible Fellowships)
12:30 pm Spanish Worship
Furthermore, we feel the best time to implement such a change will be May 1 of this year.
There are many implications of this. We know that it will take prayer, cooperation, an effort to fill the worship center in such a way that we leave room for guests, longer walks from the parking lot, and continued volunteers in the children's area. Furthermore, we hope that the momentum that builds up will leave us open for the possibility of starting a new worship service once God gives us the growth. We don't want to become inward focused but to remain missional.
Before we announce this to the congregation, I am seeking the input of each Calvary leader. Please pray about this and comment on this post. I am also having meetings with the coordinating council and the deacons to seek their input.
I am confident that as we seek God's direction, he will make things clear. May we be obedient in faith. May he empower us to be all that he has called us to be. May we lift his name high in such a way that others will be drawn to Him.